Engineering designEngineering designEngineering design achievementsEngineering design achievementsThe technical team has designed more than 5000 columns which cover various chemical units of domestic major petrochemical enterprises, such as Sinopec, PetroChina, CNOOC, Shenhua Group, etc. The main contains: Column internals design of propane dehydrogenation unit The technical team completed the Design achievements of PDH unit The analysis results of the 1st phase project 1.2 Mt/a propane dehydrogenation to high-performance polypropylene unit showed that:the propylene content at the top of the tower is more than 99.7%, and the propylene content of the bottom of the tower is generally 0.45%. The separation effect of the PDH device is the best at home and abroad.
Design achievements of column internals in oil refiningDesign achievements of column internals in oil refiningØ 20 sets of 10 million tons atmospheric and vacuum distillation units , of oil refining, 8 million T / a atmospheric and vacuum distillation units , 5 million T / a r atmospheric and vacuum distillation units Design achievements of column internals in EthyleneDesign achievements of column internals in Ethylene
Ø 10 sets of 1 million T / a ethylene apparatus, 800000 T / a ethylene apparatus, 600000 T / a ethylene apparatus and 300000 t / a ethylene apparatus Design achievements of column internals in Coal Chemical IndustryDesign achievements of column internals in Coal Chemical Industry
Ø 2 sets of Coal-based oil apparatus Design achievements of column internals in Fine ChemicalDesign achievements of column internals in Fine Chemical
Ø Polysilicon Separation apparatus、Organosilicon separation apparatus |